Friday, February 24, 2012

Liver changes in estrogen active estrogen ...

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Osteoporosis is a disease of bone, resulting in porous bones. One out of every three women develop osteoporosis, and men are four times less likely to develop the disease than women, according to the Washington University School of Medicine. Status increases the risk of hip, spine and wrist, loss of height and chronically bad posture. Factors affecting the osteoporosis range from childhood to teenage drinking, inactivity and changes of hormones in adulthood. The main cause of osteoporosis is low estrogen. St. Louis Barnes Hospital bone specialist lasix drug interactions Rhine Armamento, Villarreal, wrote in the April 2007 issue of "International calcified tissues," notes that estrogen maintains bone health in men and women. Men are usually more estrogen than after menstrual women, which may explain gender differences in susceptibility to the disease. However, the metabolism of estrogen is still the main cause of osteoporosis in men. Changes in hepatic estrogen active metabolites of estrogen, and this level of active estrogen, which affects bone density in men, says Armamento-Villarreal. Maintaining healthy bones delicate balance between an act of the bone to remove bone cells called osteoclasts, and bone building cells of bone, called osteoblasts.anabolic addiction mass addiction One of the factors that affect bone density is the level of cytokines, which are allocated on white blood cells. A study related medical science researcher Joseph Cannon and his team are listed in the Science Daily, found that increased secretion of pituitary gland follicle stimulating hormone for menopause stimulates the secretion of cytokines that promote bone loss. Cannon said of the team for experimental Biology meeting in Anaheim in April 2010. Low testosterone and high levels of sex hormone binding globulin, or SHBG, act together to promote bone loss in men, according to research group in 2009, the issue of "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism." SHBG binds estrogen and testosterone derivatives, which reduces their impact on the balance between bone growth and fracture. The negative consequences even more when estrogen levels are low, the researchers found. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists GN-WG or widely used in the treatment of prostate cancer can increase bone loss, say University of Pittsburgh endocrinologist Susan Greenspan, MD Testosterone is a trigger of prostate cancer, and GnRH-inhibits the production of this hormone. But the body depletes its natural resources testosterone can affect the health of bones. Men who are treated with GnRH-piece set in the "menopause equivalent condition," explains Dr. Greenspan. Bone mass is largely correlated with the level of serotonin in the brain. People who have low levels of natural increase mood hormone serotonin seems to be a great loss of bone mass. On the other hand, Prozac, fluoxetine, or serotonin reuptake inhibitors may increase the bone, said cytokine specialist Ricardo Battaglino with Forsyth Institute. Battaglino and his colleagues conducted a study published in 2006 in "Journal of Cellular Biochemistry" and brought to DG News, which showed an increase in bone after six weeks of treatment of mice with normal levels of estrogen. Research has shown that serotonin reuptake inhibitors with estrogen may provide future treatment option for people with osteoporosis. "Calcified tissues International", the metabolism of estrogen modulates bone density in men, Napoli et al. : April 2007

"Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism" Effect of testosterone, estradiol, and sex hormone binding globulin levels on fracture risk in older men, LeBlanc, et al. , In July 2009

article reviews novel Tsivkin Last update: 20 July 2010

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